Posted on: December 7, 2016
Council Highlights sk’aytan (October) 24 and kətc’ac’aɬtən (November) 7, 2016
As required by the WFN EconomicDevelopment Commission (“EDC”) Charter,Nelson Derickson, Chair of the EDC presentedthe EDC quarterly report to yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm appointed Sharon Petersonto the EDC in order to fi ll one of the vacantnon-Member seats. Sharon has lived in theCentral Okanagan since 1995 and on theWestside since 2000. She holds a Masters ofBusiness Administration degree and has over 25years of business experience. Currently, and forthe past 21 years, she has served as the ChiefExecutive Offi cer for the YMCA Okanagan. WFNwelcomes Sharon to the EDC.
For more information on the EDC, pleasecontact Nelson at orMandi Carroll, Manager of EconomicDevelopment and Communications at 250-769-4999 or
City of West Kelowna Fire Chief, Jason Brolund,presented the first of his now ongoingquarterly updates to yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm. TheSmoke Alarm Campaign which Westbank FirstNation participated in was credited with helpingto save the life of a resident in a mobile homefi re that recently occurred on WFN lands. Priorto the fire, emergency personnel had visited theresident, replaced her fi re alarms and advisedher how to get out of the unit if the front doorwas blocked, which it was during the fire.
Representatives from the Okanagan RegionalLibrary presented the results of theWestside Needs Assessment to yisəxʷḱʷinaʔməm. Through the needsassessment, it became evident that the Westsidewas significantly underfunded so some cuts havebeen made at other branches in order to accessmore funding for the Westside services. Overthe past year, the Westside branch generated102,000 visits. Library personnel praised theWFN Youth for their valuable input to the studythrough the learning lab that was hosted at theWFN Health Building earlier this year.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave final approval to thezoning amendment for the portion of Lot 231,Plan 77131 CLSR, IR #9, referred to as “Lot 1”and “Lot 2”. The applicant is seeking to amendthe zoning of the subject property, locatedbetween Old Okanagan Highway and Highway97, from Business Park to Highway Commercialin order to permit a hotel development.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave conditional Stage 2Development Permit and ServicingAgreement approval for Lot 15-6-11 Plan 77131CLSR, IR#9, site of the vacant Zellers building,where the developer plans to locate a U-Haulbusiness.
For more information on these developments,please contact Jayden Riley, Planner, at 250-769-4999 or