Posted on: January 20, 2017

Community Working Group to Review Advisory Council Law

Please be advised that WFN Members are invited to provide input on the proposed revisions to the WFN Advisory Council Law 2008-04. The Advisory Council Law was enacted in 2008 and establishes the procedural framework under which the Advisory Council operates. The Advisory Council Law also governs the relationship between the Advisory Council, in their role as elected representatives of non-Member residents residing on WFN lands, and the WFN government. The proposed amendments would substantially revise nomination and election procedures, as well as provide a mechanism for the removal of an Advisory Council member found to be acting in a manner contrary to their oath of office.

A Community Working Group Meeting for Members to provide input on the proposed revisions to this law is scheduled for:

Thursday, February 2, 2017
Siya Room, Health and Wellness Building
1900 Quail Lane, Westbank, BC