Posted on: January 24, 2017
New Allotment home applications due February 17, 2017

The WFN Allotment Commission presents one new home in the heart of the Community Core. The new home, located at Lot 540, 1932 Falcon Lane, is one of six located on the new Falcon Lane extension. Each home will have mountain views, easy access to park space, walking trails and the growing amenities of the Community Core.
This lot will be granted in accordance with the WFN Allotment Law which requires the Allotment Commission, an independent body made up of five (5) WFN Members, to choose the successful applicant.
WFN Members who are interested in pursuing this opportunity are required to fully complete an application and submit it to Adam Nerger, Legal Services Assistant by February 17th, 2017.
Visit the Allotment Commission page for more information or to download an application form, or pick up a hard-copy application form from the Community Services or Lindley Buildings.