Posted on: April 24, 2017

Neighbourhood PlanConsultation Notice

Please be advised that the Westbank First Nation (WFN) Development Services office hasreceived the following application for approval of a Neighbourhood Plan. We are notifying allAffected Interest Holders, WFN Members, and the Advisory Council.

Location of Application: multiple properties – see attached map

Application Summary:

A central component of the WFN Land Use Plan (Schedule A of the Land Use Law 2007-01)is the Neighbourhood Planning concept, which identified areas within the Westbank Landsthat require a Neighbourhood Plan to be completed. Areas identified for NeighbourhoodPlanning are typically larger tracts of undeveloped land where significant levels ofdevelopment are anticipated. Under the Land Use Law, the requirement for aNeighbourhood Plan is triggered when a proposed zoning amendment is within an areadefined as a Neighbourhood Plan.

A draft Neighbourhood Plan 9-7 (NP 9-7), covering an area of approximately 24.13hectares, has been received and reviewed by Development Services staff. The existing landuse designations within the area include Low Density Residential and Manufactured Home.The lands are currently zoned Single Family Residential High Density and Mobile Home Park.

The Neighbourhood Plan is proposing an amendment to the zoning of lot 558 Plan 105678CLSR, IR9, from Single Family Residential High Density (SF-H) to Planned Unit Development(PUD). The proposed PUD will allow for duplex development up to a maximum density of30 units per hectare. No changes to zoning or land use are proposed for the other lots withinthe NP 9-7 area.

The PUD is also proposing variations to the following zoning regulations: minimum parcelsize, parcel frontage, lot coverage, exterior side parcel line setback, and maximum floorarea of accessory building. The full details of which are included in the NP 9-7 documentattached.

The intention of the Neighbourhood Plan is to define long term general landuses (land use designations) and define the more detailed uses (zones). In addition, thePlan defines the Neighbourhood’s form and character, site planning and landscaping,provides comments on architectural elements, and references the appropriate policies withinthe WFN Community Plan.

The applicant has had several meeting with the WFN Planning and DevelopmentDepartment and in principal has met the requirement of the Neighbourhood Plan. Fullapplication details are available for review at the WFN Development Services office.


Affected Interest Holders, WFN members and the Advisory Council are invited toprovide written comments on the proposed amendments to the Zoning Law. All commentsmust be received by WFN Development Services office no later than May 15, 2017.All written comments and/or questions regarding this application should be addressedto Graeme Dimmick, Senior Planner, at the WFN Development Services office: Suite201 – 515 Highway 97 South, Kelowna, BC V1Z 3J2 Phone: (250) 769-4999 Fax:(250) 769-2441

Related Documents:

Consultation Notice and Maps

Hawks Landing Neighbourhood Concept Plan 9-7