Posted on: May 3, 2017

Council Highlights pəckɬtán (March) 27 and sp’iƛ̕əmtən (April) 10, 2017

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm approved financial contributions tothe following initiatives:

  • 2017 Junior All Native Basketball Tournament - $5,000 has host of the 2017 tournament. The purpose of the event is to allow First Nation youth throughout B.C. to represent their nation and community in a positive environment. Youth come together to learn sportsmanship, hard work, and gain a sense of accomplishment.
  • Cops for Kids Charity Golf Tournament – $300 Hole Sponsorship which includes WFN’s corporate name and logo at one of the holes and on placemat, the opportunity to market WFN at the hole, and acknowledgment at the banquet.

The WFN Government Strategic Plan has been updated.The updated plan is the result of discussions at theNovember 2016 Council retreat. A copy of the plan hasbeen included in this newsletter and can be found online

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm approved the 2017-2018 WFNBudget in accordance with all duly required processesand disclosures under the WFN Constitution, Laws and Bylaws.For more information on the budget, please contactBrian Conner, Director of Finance, at or250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave First Reading to:

  • Public Works Capital Expenditure Bylaw 17-TX-04 in the amount of $140,000 for the purchase of operational improvements, equipment replacement, and landscaping projects. For more information on these projects, please contact Loretta Ghostkeeper, Manager of Engineering, at or 250-769-4999.
  • Local Revenue Law 17-LRL-01 authorizing the expenditure of up to $170,000 from Utilities reserve funds to purchase equipment for the Utilities Department. For more information on this matter, please contact Krista Derrickson, Manager of Utilities, at or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm has approved the creation of 4additional beach lots on IR #10. The cost to increasethe number of lots from 4 to 8 will cost around $56,000with the funds sourced from the Beach Lot reserve fund.Preference will be given to WFN Members for usage of thelots. For more information on the beach lots, pleasecontact Lori Ann Swite, Superintendent of PropertyManagement, at 250-769-4999 or səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave Stage 2 Development Permit andServicing Agreement Approval for:

  • Lot 25-9 Plan 3836R RSBC and Lot 25-10-2 Plan 3918R RSBC, located on Cougar Road, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No. 9. The developer, who is a WFN Member, wishes to develop the properties into a small lot single family development, with the lot sizes being of a similar size to those in the neighbouring Sage Creek development.
  • Phase 6 of Sage Creek, located at 3421 Kingfi sher Drive, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No. 9. Phase 6 is the final phase for this development which consists of 228 units and an amenity building.
  • The Troika / West Harbour Amenity Building located at Lots 708 Plan 103219 CLSR, 743 Plan 105820 CLSR, 193-7-1 Plan 99211 CLSR, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No. 10.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave Initial Consideration forNeighbourhood Plan 9-7, Tsinstikeptum Indian ReserveNo. 9. The draft plan covers an area of approximately24.13 hectares in size which are designated as LowDensity Residential and Manufactured Home. The landsconsist of 9 individual lots, with 8 of the lots beingcurrently zoned Single Family High Density (“SFHD”). Theapplicant, a representative of Lamont Home, an Albertabasedcompany, is proposing a zoning amendment for oneof the SFHD lots to Planned Unit Development in order toallow for a duplex development as a more affordablealternative to the high-priced housing currently on theOkanagan housing market.For more information on these developments, pleasecontact Jayden Riley, Planner, at 250-769-4999 or

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm approved an easement for the SplandRoad Townhomes development on TsinstikeptumIndian Reserve No. 10. As part of the Stage 2development process, the developer is required to registeran easement over the property to allow public access to arequired trail adjacent to Keefe Creek. For moreinformation on this easement, please contact GraemeDimmick, Senior Planner, at or250-769-4999.

Council renewed their Memorandum of Understandingfor Partnership and Aboriginal Education with OkanaganCollege at a formal signing ceremony held in the CouncilChambers on pəckɬtán (March) 27th. In short, the MOUindicates that both parties will:

  • Embrace the spirit and intent of the Indigenous Education Protocol for Colleges and Institutes on join projects, planning and development;
  • Work collaboratively on projects and programs that will benefi t the WFN community;
  • Review and consider the provision of appropriate support to Okanagan College by WFN on proposals and projects requiring partnership with an Aboriginal community; • Work to support WFN students in their success in post-secondary education; and
  • Work in partnership on WFN community engagement for Okanagan College sponsored Aboriginal events.

For more information on the MOU, please contact DeniseClough, WFN’s Education Services Manager, at or 250-768-0227.

A workshop proposal for the World Indigenous PeoplesConference (“WIPCE”) on Education submitted by theWFN Youth Council was accepted. The conference willbe held in Toronto on July 24 to 29, 2017. WIPCE is theworld’s most prestigious conference on indigenouseducation and is attended by thousands of delegates fromaround the world. The workshop that will be presented bythe WFN Youth Council is “Investing in Education: Lifting aCommunity Out of Poverty.” The selection of presenters isa very competitive process and so it is a great honour forWFN’s proposal to be chosen. For more information on theconference, please contact Nicole Werstuik, Youth andRecreation Manager, at or 250-768-0227.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm approved Agreement 2016-05Economic Development Commission Charter. Under thenew governance instrument process, the Agreement is anupdate to “Economic Development CommissionCharter 131125” Policy. The purpose of the Charter is tolay out the terms of reference for the EconomicDevelopment Commission. For more information on theCharter, please contact Mandi Carroll, Manager ofEconomic Development and Communications, at or 250-769-4999.