Posted on: May 3, 2017
Planning & Development Update- Land Use Law Review
WFN is currently reviewing the WFN Land Use Law with a focus on Schedule B – Zoning Regulation. ZoningRegulations apply to all land, buildings and structures on reserve including lands held by Certificate ofPossession, Community held lands and all other interests held on Westbank lands. This Law provides specifi cregulations and permitted uses for each of the zones defined within it.
Originally adopted in 2007, the Zoning Regulation has seen minor changes; however, it has never undergone asignificant review and revision. This review is intended to identify issues, strengths and weaknesses of the Lawand provide updates to reflect the current and future development of WFN land.
Some of the issues to be addressed in the review include:
- Vacation rentals and Secondary Suites
- Parking requirements
- Indoor and outdoor storage
- Commercial Zones
- Parks and Open Spaces
- Campgrounds and RV zones
Opportunities for feedback, and updates on the project process, will be posted on the WFN social media sites,included in the monthly newsletter and on the WFN website.
If you have any questions or comments please direct them to Graeme Dimmick, Senior or 250-769-4999