Posted on: May 4, 2017
Greetings and update from the Early Years Department
The last few months have been really exciting for the Early Years. Our department has moved to the secondfloor of the youth center. You are each invited to come and visit, enjoy a program or gain some newinformation, while meeting the staff.
We have been formally recognized by the province of BC as a provincial early year’s center, this allowed us tohire one staff, Jayne Fosbery, who is supporting the process of setting us up as a formal integrated Center.Our family programs have relocated during the day time to the top fl oor of the Youth/Early Years building andthe programming now takes place during the days on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. The families participate ina short education session, cultural craft, delicious lunch and a time of getting to know each other. Pleasecontact Bobbi Tronson or Michelle Joe to learn more about the sessions. For families who are not able to attendday time sessions and those interested in extra programming our Connecting Fun for Families runs onWednesday evenings. It is a time to gather with your family in a community setting while learning and havingfun after you have enjoyed a nice meal. Come on out and participate.
The After School Program is an integral part of our programming. We currently have twenty-two childrenenrolled in the program. They will be joining us in this facility as soon as we have approval. The new room isall set up and ready for them to enjoy. Michael Blackburn (supervisor) and Haven Wilson (assistant) run theprogram with Brianna Wilson (casual) always ready to lend a hand.
One of our exciting new areas is the Aboriginal Supported Child Development and Aboriginal InfantDevelopment programs that are new to our community. Lori Kronyk is the program supervisor with two staffmembers Fawn DeGuevara (Acting ASCD worker) and Deanna Thorne (AIDP worker). Both programs areavailable to community members for those who would like a little extra support or have a child that might needsome extra support at Daycare, After School program, or even at home. Please connect with Lori to set up ameeting time.
Families and staff volunteered at the recent Junior Basketball tournament to raise funds for our program. It wasgreat to see people working together for the children. Thanks to all who were involved.
We would like to extend an invitation to all families to come and check out the Early Years Department,extended families are always welcome.