Posted on: May 17, 2017
Public Notice

Boil water notice remains in effect, WFN IR#9

Please be advised that the boil water noticefor residents of Westbank First Nation IR#9 remains in effect until further notice. If you areunsure whether you live on IR#9, please visit the interactive map page on our website. On the interactive map, type in your address to find out if your residence or business falls within the IR#9 boundary.

Free water continues to be available to residents via a bulk filling station at Shannon Lakeand Asquith Roads. Water can be accessed at a tap located on the Asquith Road side of thestation. Users need to bring their own containers, and hoses if needed, and ensure they areclean and suitable for potable water. Water from the station is treated via the state-of-the-art Powers Creek Treatment Plant, which uses methods including filtration, UV radiation andchlorination.

The boil water notice could potentially extend to mid‐June, as the turbidity of the lake mustfirst settle, the water lines flushed, and water quality testing completed over a period ofseveral days before the water is deemed safe to drink.

To stay up to date on this and other events, follow WFN on Facebook or Twitter @westbankfn.


Krista Derrickson, Utilities Manager
Westbank First Nation
T 250 575 4210