Posted on: May 17, 2017
Regional District of Central Okanagan News Release
Westside regional wastewater treatment plant treated effluent bypass
Rising water levels in Okanagan Lake are having an impact on the Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant.
The plant, which treats approximately 10,000,000 litres of wastewater every day from West Kelowna, Peachland and the Westbank First Nation reserves #9 and #10 has seen an increase in its flows during the recent period of flooding and heavy rainfall.
The Regional District has installed and is operating an additional pump, boosting the pumping capacity of the plant’s treated effluent. There’s no health risk associated with this as this treated effluent is the same material that is flowing out of the plant into Okanagan Lake following the complete treatment process.
The additional pump is required because higher than normal lake levels have caused a decreased flow of treated effluent from the plant’s outfall in Okanagan Lake.
Both the Ministry of Environment and Interior Health have been consulted with the addition of a supplemental pump from the Westside Regional Wastewater Treatment facility.