Posted on: June 2, 2016

For Immediate Release

WFN IR9 Boil Water Notice downgraded to Water Quality Advisory

Please be advised that the Boil Water Notice for residents of WFN’s IR#9 has been lifted and replaced by a Water Quality Advisory. The Water Quality Advisory only impacts IR#9 businesses and residents, and does not impact WFN’s IR#10.High water levels and an elevation in turbidity levels at water intakes resulted in the initial Boil Water Notice on May 5, however sediment has settled enough now for the water to be safe to drink for most individuals.

It is recommended that certain individuals take precaution during a Water Quality Advisory, including people with weakened immune systems or chronic illnesses; people under 12 and over 65 years of age; and people wishing to take additional protection. Precautionary measures for those individuals, or others who wish, include: boiling water for one minute, using filtered or distilled water, or using an alternative water source (e.g. bottled water).

If you are unsure whether you live on IR#9, please visit the interactive map on WFN’s website, The advisory will be in place until further notice.

Free water continues to be available to residents via a bulk filling station at Shannon Lake and Asquith Roads. Water can be accessed at a tap located on the Asquith Road side of the station. Users need to bring their own containers, and hoses if needed, and ensure they are clean and suitable for potable water. Water from the station is treated via the state of the art Powers Creek Treatment Plant, which uses methods including filtration, UV radiation and chlorination.


Turbidity Index

What to do when a Boil Water Notice is lifted

What to do during a Drinking Water Advisory

To stay up to date on this and other events, please visit WFN’s website or follow us on Facebook and Twitter @westbankfn.

For more information, please contact:

Krista Derrickson, Manager of Utilities
Westbank First Nation
T 250-707-3332

For commercial business questions, contact First Nations Health Authority, 250-212-2170