Posted on: June 7, 2017

Council Highlights - April 24 and May 8, 2017

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave Third Reading and Enactment to:

  • The proposed Capital Expenditure Local Revenue Law No. 17-LRL-01 authorizing the purchase of equipment for the Utilities Department in the amount of up to $170,000.00. For more information on this matter, please contact Krista Derrickson, Manager of Utilities, at or 250-769-4999.
  • The amendment to the WFN Advisory Council Law. For more information on this matter, please contact Della Elliott, Legal Services Supervisor, at or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided their support for fundingfrom Employment and Social Development Canada. Thisletter of support will assist in the submission of anapplication for funding to Employment and SocialDevelopment Canada for the creation of an IndigenousCommunities Public Works Training Project.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided their approval of the ConceptDesign for Sensisyusten House of Learning. The conceptdesign will be provided to Indigenous and Northern AffairsCanada (“INAC”) for further consideration in the releaseof funding for the renovation and expansion of the school.The project will next move to the design and constructionstages for Sensisyusten House of Learning. For furtherinformation on this matter, please contact LorettaGhostkeeper, Manager of Engineering, at or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided their approval for an OutdoorEvents Permit for Westside Daze 2017. Westside Dazeis an annual celebration that takes place on Westbank andWest Kelowna lands and consists of family orientedactivities. For further information on this matter, pleasecontact Adam Nerger, Legal Services Assistant, or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm determined to donate to the SyilxLanguage House Associated. This donation included anin kind donation for usage of the WFN Siya Room at nocost and a monetary donation of $500.00 for the upcomingcelebration for students.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided their approval of a LotServicing Application to Indigenous and Northern AffairsCanada (“INAC”).

  • This application seeks to provide funding for seven (7) lots identified in the staff report and will assist in providing services to the lots in accordance with the fund. For further information on this matter, please contact Derek Corning, Infrastructure Engineer, at or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided initial consideration for anapplication for rezoning for Lot 501 Plan 96807 CLSRand Lots 326-1, 327-1 and 328-1 Plan 3566R RSBC.

  • The proposed rezoning would amend the current zoning for the identified lots from Highway Commercial to Retail Commercial for the purposes of office use and future retail commercial development.
  • A consultation process will take place next in accordance with Sections 8.12, 8.13 and 8.14 of the Westbank First Nation Land Use Law No. 2007- 01. For further information on this matter, please contact Jayden Riley, Planner, at or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided initial consideration for theamendment of land use designation and zoning of Lot302-3 Plan CLSR 73194.

  • The proposed amendment of the land use and zoning for Lot 302-3 Plan CLSR 73194 would amend current zoning from Medium Density Residential to High Density Residential and concurrent zoning from Multi Family Residential Low Density to Multi Family Residential High Density.
  • A consultation process will take place next in accordance with Sections 6.12, 6.13, 6.14, 8.11, 8.12 and 8.13 of the Westbank First Nation Land Use Law No. 2007-01.
  • Development of the identified property could influence the design and construction of the Boucherie Road Interchange project and development of surrounding lots. For further information on this matter, please contact Graeme Dimmick, Senior Planner, at or 250-769-4999.

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided support for an application to New Relationships Trust in collaboration with the SyilxLanguage House Association. This application will look to support the development of language and cultural renewalstrategic plan in partnership with other communities. For further information on this matter, please contact JordanCoble, Operations & Cultural Administrator, at or 778-755-2787.