Posted on: June 30, 2017

Stage 1 outdoor watering regulations in effect

A Stage 1 watering regulation remains in effect for Westbank First Nation residential, commercial, and non-agricultural water users. Under a Stage 1 watering regulation, customers water outdoors on alternating days. Those with even-numbered addresses may irrigate on even numbered calendar days, and customers with odd-numbered addresses may water outdoors on odd-numbered days.

Under the Westbank First Nation Waterworks Law No. 2005-16, customers with automated sprinkler systems may sprinkle between 12:00am and 6:00am. Customers with manually controlled sprinklers may sprinkle from 6:00am to 11:00am and from 6:00pm to 12:00am. Sprinkling is not permitted between the hours of 11:00am and 6:00pm during any day at any time of the year.

Hand watering of all landscape plant materials and vegetable plantings, excluding lawns and vehicle washing, is permitted either with a watering can or with a control nozzle on a hose. Using an open pipe or hose for irrigating purposes is not allowed.

Under certain situations, such as drought conditions, protection of works and the efficiency of the system as a whole, and whereby determined by the WFN Utility Department, additional stages for regulations may be imposed, and are in effect until determined by the WFN Utility Department.

For more information and tips on water conservation inside and outside your home, visit