Posted on: July 5, 2017
Council highlights, míktúʔtin (May) 23 and siyaʔtən (June) 6, 2017
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm received an update on the RegionalStrategic Transportation Plan (STPCO):
- Phase 1 of the STPCO has been completed with a review of the plan by Chief Roxanne Lindley and mayors from regional local governments set to take place on June 14th.
- The STPCO will look to address growing transportation concerns and will review and analyze traffi c patterns within the regional area to develop more sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation practices.
For more information on this matter, please contact JoeMocilac, Director of Development Services, at or 250-769-4999.yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm determined to donate $250.00 to theopening of the Crossing the River: Supporting CreativeReconciliations Exhibition. For further information on thismatter on this matter, please contact Andrea Lavigne,Executive Assistant to Council, at or250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm determined to donate $500.00 toKi-Low-Na Friendship Society. This donation will be usedto support the National Aboriginal Day Turtle IslandFestival. For further information on this matter on thismatter, please contact Andrea Lavigne, Executive Assistantto Council, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm received a presentation on the AnnualFinancial Update, April 1, 2016 to March 31, 2017.
- Financial Services representatives provided an update to yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm on the previous fiscal year operational results.
- A review of the audited financial statements will take place with representatives of BDO on June 26, 2017.
For more information on this matter, please contact BrianConner, Director of Finance, at or250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided approval for the HomeOwner Grant Phase Out Increase. For furtherinformation on this matter, please contact Ernest Jack,Surveyor of Taxes, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided approval for Phase 5 CMHCMortgage Renewals. For further information on thismatter, please contact Darlene Nicolle, HousingCoordinator, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm determined to approve Thursday June22, 2017 as the date for the WFN Honouring Our Grads2017 ceremony. For further information on this matter onthis matter, please contact Andrea Lavigne, ExecutiveAssistant to Council, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm approved the Forest Consultation andRevenue Sharing Agreement between WFN andProvince of British Columbia.
- The Forest Consultation and Revenue Sharing Agreement provides economic benefi ts in return for harvesting activities within WFN Traditional Territory. This agreement was fi rst initiated in 2003 and goes through a renewal process every three (3) years.
For further information on this matter, please contact RafDeGuevara, Manager of Intergovernmental Affairs/Title &Rights, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm determined to support theimplementation of a terms of reference for the usage ofWFN social sites.
- Following discussion held at the ilmixʷəm skəmí st (Chief Black Bear) Committee, it was recommended that yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm consider the implementation of a terms of reference for those participating on WFN social media sites.
For further information on this matter, please contactMandi Carroll, Manager of Communications/EconomicDevelopment, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided their approval for Phase 1Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (“CMHC”)Mortgage Renewals.
- CMHC provided an Offer to Lend – Subsequent Renewal for the properties located at 1904, 1906 and 1908 on Fox Road which was accepted by yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm
For further information on this matter, please contactDarlene Nicolle, Housing Coordinator, at dnicolle@wfn.caor 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided initial approval forcommunity plan designation change and concurrentrezoning for Lot 481, Plan 101102 CLSR and Lots 435 and436, Plan 97849 CLSR.
- The proposed change in community plan designation and concurrent rezoning for Lot 481 and Lots 435 and 436, would allow the developer to build 67 single-family units and 20 multi-family units. This is a change from the initial proposal of 70 single family units and 16 multi-family units.
For further information on this matter, please contactJayden Riley, Planner, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided initial approval for Phase 6,Stage 1 Conceptual Development Plan for JazelDevelopments (Tesoro Arca).
- On April 2, 2007 yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm provided approval for the Tesoro Arca development plan. The subsequent approval will look to allow for an additional 6 multi-family units as part of the fi rst portion of Building I for the development.
For further information on this matter, please contactJayden Riley, Planner, at or 250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm received a presentation from CrimeStoppers.
- Representatives overviewed new initiatives developed by Crime Stoppers in addressing crimes as well as newly implemented alternatives for tips to be provided anonymously by members of the public.
For further information on this matter, please contact DellaElliott, Legal Services Supervisor, at or250-769-4999.
yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm executed a License of Occupationwith the City of Kelowna for the Hereron Road Property(Westside Road Interchange Land Exchange Property).
For further information on this matter, please contact JenBellingham, Researcher, at or250-769-4999.
To review full Council meeting minutes, visit