Posted on: July 14, 2017
Open house: the future of Medicine Hill and Medicine Creek
WFN Members, how do you envision the future of Medicine Hill (IR#11) and Medicine Creek (IR #12)? Should Westbank First Nation make an effort to have a greater presence on these lands? If so, how significant should that presence be? Share your input at an open house being held on Wednesday, July 19 from 4:00 to 7:00pm.
Over the last year, WFN has engaged with Members regarding their short- and long-term vision of the Gallagher's Lands. Consultation occurred through community planning meetings and a survey with over 100 responses. The results indicated that Members favoured recreational and low-impact (off the grid) development in the short-term and a mix of agriculture, recreation, and low-impact development in the long-term.
This open house aims to build on the consultation results to further cultivate a vision for the future of the Gallagher's Lands. Please join us and share your input.
WHEN: Wednesday, July 19, 2017 | 4:00 to 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: WFN Youth Centre, Multi-purpose Room, 1880 Quail Lane
TOPIC: The future of Medicine Hill and Medicine Creek (Gallagher's)
Open to: Westbank First Nation Members
Save the date in your calendar by joining our Facebook Event page for this event.