Posted on: August 1, 2017
Solar Pilot Project at Sensisyusten House of Learning
The WFN Membership's feedback will be sought regarding the feasibility of installing solar panels to the Sensisyusten House Learning. The date of an open house is yet to be determined, but a notice of the date will be posted to as well as WFN's social media pages.
WFN was a successful recipient of the First Nations Clean Energy Business Fund, and a contribution of $20,380 has been provided by the province.
Sensisyusten was also recently selected to receive INAC capital funding for a renovation and expansion project. To take advantage of the school expansion construction, WFN is reviewing the feasibility of adding solar panels to the School to generate electricity.
The electricity from the solar panels can be used either in the school instead of BC Hydro electricity, or sold to BC Hydro using their Net Metering program.
The feasibility study will provide the following:
- Examine best practices of integrating solar PV technology into the current expansion design for the school;
- Confirm that Solar Energy is in alignment with the values of WFN community Members; and
- Finalize a design, cost estimate and a business case for WFN consideration
Opportunity to share feedback on solar panel installation feasibility:
An open house meeting will be held to provide information on the project and to gather community feedback. The date of the meeting and updates on the project process will be posted on the WFN Facebook and Twitter pages, newsletter, and on the WFN website.
If you have and questions or comments please direct them to Derek Corning, Infrastructure Engineer, at or 250-769-4999.