Posted on: February 9, 2018
Request for letters of interest: EDC Elder seat
Westbank First Nation (“WFN”) is requesting letters of interest for appointment to the Economic DevelopmentCommission (“EDC”) in order to fill the Elder seat. This appointment will be for a 3-year term in accordancewith the terms of the EDC Charter.
The purpose of the EDC is to assist WFN Council and the WFN economic community - WFN Members,community members and lessees - in creating a healthy, environmentally sustainable and dynamic economy onWFN lands, based on the value of economic self-reliance and a respect for the heritage and cultural values of theOkanagan (syilx) people.
The duties and responsibilities of the EDC include:
- Acting in an advisory role for Council on economic development issues and on policies and laws that impact the economic development goals and vision;
- Coordinating an overall community economic development vision and assisting in implementing the Community Economic Development Plan;
- Establishing mechanisms to receive input on economic development policies from WFN’s economic community;
- Developing initiatives, media materials and services to promote WFN as an attractive community for new enterprise; and
- Assisting Council and its departments in making representation to government, industry and the public in areas of economic development and business.
To qualify for the appointment, a person must:
- Be a WFN Member;
- Be 18 years of age or older;
- Possess good character, credibility and reputation in the Westbank community;
- Not be a Member of WFN Council;
- Not be a WFN staff member employed in Housing or Lands;
- Not be in arrears to WFN with respect to any loans, debts or other fi nancial obligations;
- Not have been convicted of an indictable criminal offence in Canada or a felony in the United States within 10 years prior to the date of their application;
- Not be an undischarged bankrupt;
- Have an adequate educational background or have business experience and a familiarity with Westbank and the Central Okanagan; and
- Reside in the Central Okanagan.
Applicants actively working in, or representing, small business will be given preference.
Commissioners are paid an honorarium per duly convened meeting and EDC Members are required to meeta minimum of 6 times per year. EDC Members are also encouraged to attend other events that may happenthroughout the year so as to carry out EDC responsibilities.
If interested in applying for this position, please forward your letter of interest to Mandi Carroll,Manager, Economic Development & Communications, 301-515 Highway 97 South, Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 3J2 or byemail to For more info, 250-769-4999.