Posted on: February 27, 2018

Westbank First Nation Council seeks to better understand Membership living conditions: survey

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Westbank First Nation now has representation on Kelowna’s Journey Home initiative through WFN's Active Measures Coordinator, Diane Roy. As well, the Ki-Low-Na Friendship Society will be represented by Tina Larouche. The Journey Home Task Force supports the development of a long-term strategy to address homelessness. The name “Journey Home” reinforces the importance of shifting from traditional methods to a new approach of addressing the needs of those at risk of homelessness.

As we begin our journey into this initiative, Westbank First Nation Council is looking to first understand the current situation of homelessness/living conditions for our Members on reserve. As such, a living conditions survey is now being conducted at Community Services and online. 

Please help WFN Council to understand living situations on our reserves  by completing, or encouraging those impacted by homelessness to complete, the WFN living conditions surveyThe survey is open to all Members, with the intent to help WFN better understand current needs and address opportunities within our Membership services and programming. 

The survey is open until March 10, 2018. All information collected will remain confidential. 

If you have any questions or would like to discuss programs or services for Members who might be affected, please contact Diane Roy at Community Services (250-768-0227 or

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