October 10, 2020, the Boil Water Notice issued yesterday (below) for WFN's IR 10 has now been lifted and operators will soon be taking the signs down. New samples came back clean, allowing the boil water notice to be removed. Lim ləmt, thank you.
October 9, 2020, due to a poor water quality sample in the Tsinstikeptum I.R. No. 10 (IR 10) drinking water system, Westbank First Nation (WFN) Utilities has issued a Boil Water Notice (BWN) be put in place on WFN IR 10 reserve effective 10:00 a.m. on Friday October 9, 2020 until further notice.
Under a Boil Water Notice, it is recommended that all users boil the water or use a safe alternative until the BWN is lifted.
WFN Utilities takes weekly samples to ensure the water meets Canadian Drinking Water Quality Guidelines. These weekly samples are then tested in our in-house lab utilizing the Colilert system. Test results are received within a 24 hour period. Our test results show a small Coliform count within one of our samples taken in the IR 10 water distribution system.
WFN Utilities staff will be hyper-chlorinating and flushing the water system on IR 10 throughout the day. Samples will be retaken and submitted for testing after this work is completed. Results will be back within 24 hours.
Please visit the Westbank First Nation Website for regular updates, and to use the interactive map (available here) which can show if you live in the effected area. Further information on water quality, testing, and services can be found here.
For any residential questions, please contact WFN Utilities Department at 250-707-3332.
For commercial/business questions, please contact First Nations Health Authority at 1-844-666-0711.