The start of the detour on 2026 Boucherie Rd for offsite works has been postponed to August 15, 2022.

Original notice below.

Upcoming Road Closure: Boucherie Road

Please be aware of a road closure from August 2, 2022 until October 10, 2022 on Boucherie Road between Sonoma Pines Drive and Ridge Estate Drive to facilitate storm, sewer, and water infrastructure upgrades.

Northbound traffic will be detoured off Boucherie Road onto Old Boucherie Road to Pritchard Drive, and back to Boucherie Road.

Southbound traffic will be detoured off Boucherie Road onto Pritchard Drive, then onto Old Boucherie Road and back onto Boucherie Road.

Traffic to and from Red Cloud Way will be accommodated through the site to Boucherie Road at Ridge Estates Drive.

The Road Closure and Detour will remain in effect 24/7 for the entire duration of the job. Hours of construction are 7:00am until 6:00pm.

For more information, please contact:

Coralie Fearnley, Traffic Control Supervisor
TT Contractors
250 718 1357
          Jim Tobin, Project Coordinator
          TT Contractors
          250 470 3561
          Lindsay Allman, Planner II
          Westbank First Nation
          250 769 4999 lallman@wfn.ca