Boucherie Road Interchange Project Update
The Boucherie Road Interchange project (the “Boucherie Project”) remains in phase 1, of the Preliminary Design Phase and is detailed below.
Stantec Engineering (“Stantec”) has conducted a general overview of the current Project design. Scope verification exercises and preliminary design initiation is underway. Preliminary design will be based on geotechnical input with fieldwork planned in spring 2019 to inform functional design. WFN will be meeting and working with Stantec throughout the Preliminary and Functional Design phases.
Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) has a five-step internal process to project funding that advances a concept through to funded construction. The five phases consist of:
1. Preliminary Design Phase: currently in progress
Preliminary engineering work needed to advance the business case (additional public involvement if determined to be necessary or preferred).
Project Target Schedule:
- •50% Preliminary Design completed by March 2019
- 100% Preliminary Design completed by June 2019
2. Functional Design Phase:
Project determined viable and associated projected costs.
Project Target Schedule:
- 70% Functional Design completed by November 2019
- 100% Functional Design completed by March 2020
3. Business Case Analysis:
The business case analysis is needed in order to obtain approval and a budget for the construction.
- Business Case submission will be prepared by Stantec and MOTI project representatives following 100% functional design and will be submitted for funding approval. Additional funding will be required to advance the project through detailed design, property acquisition, and construction.
4. Capital Board Review:
Obtains project approval.
5. Treasury Board Review:
Secures the budget for project construction.
Next Steps
WFN continues to engage in discussions with MOTI about the Boucherie Project, including potential involvement, their potential role in the project along, as well as other benefits to our community, such as employment and/or contracting opportunities. Negotiations, however, are unlikely to substantially advance until the amount of WFN land required for the interchange is known, in late 2019.
Membership Involvement
Once reserve land impacts have been identified for the Boucherie Project, there is a requirement for Membership approvals under WFN’s Constitution. A final agreement with the MOTI to proceed with the Boucherie Project will be dependent on Membership approval.
For more information about the project, please contact either Raf DeGuevara or Jen Bellingham at (250) 769-4999.