Posted on: February 10, 2016 

Jan 26 Community Planning Meeting Recap & Neighbourhood Plan 10-2 Consultation Update 

WFN's Planning & Development department is looking for input from Members PLiMage1.jpgas Neighbourhood Plan 10-2 undergoes an update. At the time of NP 10-2’s original implementation by majority vote in 2011, the Sneena Road extension and other new infrastructure were not yet in place; due to these changes, NP 10-2 requires an update.

WFN’s Planning & Development Department has taken over the task fromDr. Bryan Gallagher Consulting (due to unsuccessful Mitacs funding) of updating NP 10-2.NP 10-2 plan includes community held lands that stretch from the band office, on the south side of Highway 97, to 19 Greens (just before Campbell Road and the William Bennett Bridge).

Engagement to date has involved approximately 20 Members. We hope to receive input from more Members, and once sufficient engagement is achieved, feedback will be considered, and Members will vote on the recommended revisions later this year.

Initial Feedback Results

Initial NP 10-2 feedback from the first Community Planning Meeting held on January 26, 2016, as well as from the survey conducted in January, include themes of limiting or lessening the permitted uses with NP 10-2, or refraining from all or some development until WFN has paid off debts on the former medical centre lands, as well as increased involvement from Membership during early discussions of new opportunities.

Feedback also indicates a desire to ensure WFN takes the lead in future projects within NP 10-2 lands, rather than only considering non-community partnership proposals. Feedback also included a desire to develop a museum, performing arts theatre, or a cultural centre, as these options are considered good fits for the land that would provide long-term employment and educational opportunities for Members.

Stay Informed

For details of a second Community Planning Meeting on NP 10-2, stay tuned to the March Newsletter, this Announcements page, as well as WFN's social media pages. We are looking at alternative options to participate in Meetings for Members unable to attend, including engagement at the Elder and Youth Group meetings, a second more comprehensive survey on the topic, and possible door-to-door conversations by a Member champion of the project.

The next Community Planning Meeting, on February 23, 2016 at 5:30pm, will focus on WFN Member Housing.

For more information, contact Graeme Dimmick at or 250-769-4999.
