Posted on: July 4, 2016

Council Highlights June 6 and June 20, 2016

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm adopted the WFN Parks andTrails Master Plan. Recognizing that parks andopen spaces play a crucial role in improvinglivability and desirability of WFN lands, thedevelopment of a parks and trails master plan wasa key action item of the 2010 WFN CommunityPlan. The purpose of the Plan is to providedirection to WFN staff, Members, and leaseholders for the future development,redevelopment and enhancement of WFN’s onreserveparks, open spaces, and trails. The Planwill include a parks and trails inventory, currentand forecasted needs as well as action items for a20 year period (2014 to 2034.) For moreinformation on the Plan, please contact GraemeDimmick, Senior Planner, at 250-769-4999

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm gave initial consideration to anamendment of the zoning designation of aportion of Lot 69-2 Plan CLSR 79395, IR #9 fromSingle Family Low Density to Single Family LowDensity – Secondary Suite. The Member applicantwishes to build a secondary suite within theexisting home on the property, located at thecorner of East Boundary and Elk Roads. For moreinformation on this development, please contactGraeme Dimmick, Senior Planner, at 250-769-4999 or

yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm approved the finalamendments to the 2016/2017 budget. Someof the larger amendments were as follows:

  • $250,000 for the establishment of a Title and Rights Offi ce. As noted by ilmixʷəm (Chief) Louie at the last Membership Meeting, title and rights issues are being elevated in priority due to the currently favourable environments of both the federal and provincial governments towards First Nation issues, especially now that the Syilx Cooperative Protocol is now in place and being implemented. The amendment will be funded by Title and Rights reserve funds. For more information on this amendment, please contact Raf De Guevara, səxʷtəɬm iʔ l scənq’aʔils (Manager of Inter- Governmental Affairs / Title and Rights), at 250-769-2440 or
  • $242,696 for the creation of a new department to improve tracking and accountability of the fi ve Early Years programs. The amendment will be funded by grant monies.

For more information onthis amendment, please contact MargaretEli, Early Years Manager, at 250-768-0227or more information on budget amendments ingeneral, please contact Eric Fleury, Budget andFinancial Reporting Manager, at 250-769-2400

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