Posted on: January 22, 2016
Council Highlights
Council Highlights from smík’ʷtən (December) 21, 2015 and spaqtan (January) 18, 2016 Meetings
The full meeting minutes from January 18, 2016 will be posted to the Council Meeting Minutes page following the next Council Meeting on February 1, 2016.
Council approved the following planning development proposals:
- A Sanitary Sewer Servicing Agreement between the City of West Kelowna, WFN, and Gregson Contracting which allows for sanitary sewer service to Lot 186-4, Plan CLSR 103393 at 2840 East Boundary Road. Gregson Contracting has been issued a building permit for a temporary office trailer and wish to have it connected to sanitary sewer.
- Stage 1 Conceptual Development Plan Approvals for:
- Lot 37-4-2, Plan 74528 CLSR at 3351 Cougar Road – The developer has subdivided the property and intends to construct 2 single family homes with secondary suites.
- Lot 360-61-1, Plan 95703 CLSR – Retire West Commercial Development on Carrington Road North – The developer plans to build an office for the administration of Sage Creek, Freeport Homes and other business ventures.
- Final Approval for an amendment of the Permitted Uses under the existing Planned Unit Development Criteria covering Lots 373 to 377 CLSR 95837 and Lots 30-21 and 30-22 CLSR between Old Okanagan Highway and Marmot Lane. The Member developers wish to construct a 90 unit recreational vehicle park on the back portion of the lands.
- Final Approval to the land use and zoning designations from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial and from multi-Family Low Density to Light Industrial respectively, and Stage 1 Conceptual Development Plan approval, for Lot 323-21, Plan RSBC 3566R located off Horizon Drive. The Member developer intends to construct a bottling plant and, in future phases of the development, a brewery and other associated facilities with the already established winery.
For more information on these developments, please contact Graeme Dimmick, Senior Planner, at 250-769-4999 or
Council approved the Capital Housing Budget for 2016/2017. The budget will meet the WFN Housing Strategy objective of building 7 to 10 Member homes per year. This year’s plan includes 6 Canada Mortgage Housing Corporation homes on Falcon Lane and the renovation of 1 large duplex on Fox Road. A total of $140,000 has been set aside to accommodate Member New Construction Housing Grants that will be rolled out in the near future. For more information on the Capital Housing Budget, please contact Loretta Ghostkeeper, Manager of Engineering, at 250-769-4999 or
Council approved having a portion of the 2016 Apple Triathlon take place on WFN lands. The Apple Triathlon has been a yearly event for the past 35 years. This year, the organizer of the race would like to see a more scenic route for the bicycle portion of the race and so approached WFN with a route that would cross the bridge and travel through IR #10 and Westside Road. The race is set to take place on Sunday, August 21, 2016. For more information on WFN’s participation in this race, please contact Graeme Dimmick, Senior Planner, at 250-769-4999 or
Council has agreed to purchase 4 maquettes, and 100 medallions and accompanying gift boxes relating to the Chief Sookinchute Sculpture that has been commissioned by WFN for placement within the City of Kelowna. The bronze maquettes are mini versions of the full size sculpture. As they are quite expensive, Council agreed to purchase only 4 of the 20 limited edition maquettes so that each of the WFN buildings frequented by Members and the general public can display one. The bronze medallions, which will feature an image of Chief Sookinchute, will be created in response to Council’s request for an item that could be given as a gift but that would be less expensive than the maquettes. For more information on the maquettes and medallions, please contact Jordan Coble, Chair of the WFN Public Art Committee, at 778-755-2787 of
Council made the following appointments:
- Nelson Derickson – Reappointed to the Member seat of the WFN Economic Development Commission (“EDC”) for another 3 year term effective spaqtan (January) 28, 2016.
- Nelson Derickson – As WFN’s representative on the Board of the Greater Westside Board of Trade (“GWBOT”). səxʷk’ʷinaʔmam Werstuik was appointed as his alternate. The mission of the GWBOT is to impact growth and prosperity of the local business community by advocating opportunities, economic sustainability and collaboration among Greater Westside businesses and various levels of government. As Nelson serves as Chair of the WFN EDC, and attends GWBOT Board meetings regularly, yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm (Council) felt this appointment would be a good fit.
- Wilfred Barnes – As Elder member on School District No. 23’s Aboriginal Education Council (“AEC”). The purpose of the AEC is to support, enhance, and increase school success for all Aboriginal students in the Central Okanagan.
In response to the Membership’s input, through survey responses or other means, regarding audio / video streaming for Membership and Council meetings, Council has agreed to proceed with the implementation of audio / video streaming. The ilmixʷəm skəmxist (Chief Black Bear) Committee has been tasked with overseeing the implementation, and an audio/video streaming sub-committee has been struck to prepare the plan, budget, and recommendations for the implementation. In accordance with the Membership’s wishes, the audio / video streaming of Membership meetings will be implemented first. For more information on this initiative, please contact Mandi Carroll, Manager of Economic Development and Communications, at 250-769-4999 or