Posted on: October 13, 2015

Council Highlights Oct 13, 2015

Council has accepted offers to lend from CanadaMortgage and Housing Corporation (“CMHC”) for thefollowing subsequent mortgage renewals:
  • For the property located at 339 Falcon Way, IR #9, in the loan amount of approximately $183,030 for a loan term of 5 years; and
  • For the property located at Lots 72-2 and 160- 2-2, IR #9 in the loan amount of approximately $93,723 for a loan term of 4 years. For more information on these mortgage renewals, please contact Darlene Fosbery, WFN Housing Coordinator, at 250-769-4999 or

Council gave initial consideration to the followingproposed amendments:

  • Lot 504, Plan 103499 CLSR, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No. 9    
  •  to the Land Use Designation from Multi- Family Residential to Single Family Residential, and
  • to the Zoning Designation: from High Density to Low Density, This property, located at the end of Grizzly Road, was originally zoned for Single Family Low Density Residential but was rezoned to Multi-Family High Density Residential for the purpose of a seniors care home. As this proposed development did not occur, the land holder now wishes to demolish the existing home located on the property and construct a new single family dwelling.
  • Lot 323-21, Plan RSBC 3566R, Tsinstikeptum Indian Reserve No. 10
  • to the Land Use Designation for a portion of the land from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial, and
  • to the Zoning Designation from Multi-Family Low Density to Light Industrial. This property is located in the Horizon Drive area. The applicant proposes to construct a bottling plan, and in future phases of the development, a brewery and other associated facilities with the already established winery. For more information on these developments, please contact Dan Brown, Director of Development Services, or Graeme Dimmick, Senior Planner, at dbrown@wfn. ca or, respectively or at 250-769- 4999.

Council has provided their support for a new SchoolDistrict No. 23 (“SD23”) program for Aboriginaleducation youth and family support workers that willenable discretionary hiring of persons of First Nationancestry. The purpose of this special hiring is to beable to better provide health and wellness to FirstNation students and families and to increasinglyprovide First Nation students with First Nation rolemodels as a way of helping to instill within them asense of pride, confi dence and leadership. For moreinformation on this new program, please contactsəxʷk’ʷinaʔmam (Councillor) Derickson, Chair of theSD23 Aboriginal Education Council, at 250-769-4999or

Council made the following appointments:

  • Deanna Hamilton to the Elder seat of the WFN Economic Development Commission (“EDC”). Deanna brings a wealth of experience to the Commission having served for 10 years as WFN’s xatus iʔ k’əl sx̌aq’əq’ (Surveyor of Taxes), for 2 terms on both the B.C. Assessment Authority and WFN Council, as a founding member and President / Chief Executive Offi cer of the First Nations Finance Authority, and as WFN Chair for the self-government negotiations with Canada. She is also a founding Member of the WFN EDC. Deanna will serve on the EDC for a 3 year term, in accordance with the EDC Charter. For more information on the EDC, please contact Mandi Carroll, Manager of Economic Development and Communications, at 250-769-4999 or
  • Lenora Holding, Pamela Barnes, Buffy De Guevara, Darlene Fosbery, Steve Fosbery, Bobbi Watts, Phyllis Sundstrom, and Andrea Lavigne to the Community Consultative Group (“CCG”). These community members will serve for an additional 2 year term, in accordance with the Terms of Reference for the CCG. The purpose of the CCG is to help identify policing needs for the community core, categorize objectives, priorities, goals, strategies and special projects which will assist the First Nation Policing (“FNP”) Program in meeting these needs, making recommendations to Council regarding the Letter of Expectation that WFN has with the RCMP, develop relationships with the RCMP offi cers who deliver the FNP Program, and any other duties assigned to them by Council. For more information on the CCG, please contact Della Elliott, Legal Services Supervisor, at or 250-769-4999.