The WFN Economic Development Commission is currently looking to fill three (3) seat vacancies:

  • One (1) WFN Member seat;
  • One (1) WFN Elder seat; and
  • One (1) non-Member seat.

These appointments will be for a 3 year term in accordance with the terms of the EDC Charter.

The purpose of the EDC is to assist WFN Council and the WFN economic community - WFN Members, community members and lessees - in creating a healthy, environmentally sustainable and dynamic economy on WFN lands, based on the value of economic self-reliance and a respect for the heritage and cultural values of the Okanagan (syilx) people.

Applicants actively working in, or representing, small business will be given preference.

Commissioners are paid an honorarium per duly convened meeting and EDC Members are required to meet a minimum of 6 times per year. EDC Members are also encouraged to attend other events that may happen throughout the year so as to carry out EDC responsibilities.

Deadline to apply is Thursday, February 15, 2024. 

Apply Now