May 20, 2021 - As the long weekend is approaching, WFN continues to encourage Members, community members, and staff to follow the current restrictions in effect for the Province of British Columbia.

As a reminder, this includes:

  • No indoor social gatherings of any size with anyone other than your immediate household or, if you live alone, your core bubble
  • Maximum of 10 people can gather outdoors (at a park or beach, in the backyard of a residence, etc.)
  • Reducing social interactions as possible, and if required, meet outdoors and continue to wear a mask
  • Limit non-essential travel to the Central Okanagan
  • Travel considered non-essential can result in fines

To help you stay within the community, the WFN Government has clarified/eased restrictions at some WFN facilities. Facility updates can be found by visiting WFN’s Facility Update page. Additional information on COVID-19, available resources, and steps taken by WFN can be found by visiting the WFN COVID-19 information page accessible at

 In light of the warmer weather, WFN’s Youth and Recreation Centre at Community Services will also be introducing some outdoor programming including Skateboard Lessons on Wednesdays (June), Outdoor Yoga on Mondays & Wednesdays (June-August), Outdoor Bootcamp on Tuesdays & Thursdays (June-August).

WFN continues to provide testing to those individuals exposed to COVID-19, or displaying symptoms. Please contact WFN’s Community Services at 250-768-0227 (Mon-Fri) or the West Kelowna Urgent Primary Care Centre (weekends) at 250-469-6010.

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