April 16, 2021 - This grazing season, WFN will utilize the Provincial Range Tenure we have with the Province on lands adjacent to our Gallagher’s reserves 11 and 12. This will serve to augment other steps we have taken and continue to take in our area of responsibility to forward our title and rights.

WFN will acquire approximately 20 head of steers at auction and turn them out onto the range in early May. Our well-fed animals will be rounded up in October and taken back to the auction to be sold. Several of the steers may be utilized by WFN for meat for the community. This will be determined later in the grazing season. As discussed at the Membership meeting on April 13, 2021, this is an excellent opportunity to raise an organic alternative food source.

WFN Members are invited to purchase a steer to turn it out on the WFN range with the other 20 steers, on the following basis:

1.Contact the WFN Title & Rights office to discuss further obligations if you are purchasing a steer.
2.A deposit of CAD $1,200.00 for each steer must be submitted to WFN office by 4 PM, May 3, 2021, with no exceptions.

From this point on, timelines are critical, so we will strictly adhere to the above deadline. We look forward to hearing from all Members who are interested in taking up this opportunity.

Any questions, please contact WFN IGA/Title & Rights, 250-769-2440, or view the 2021-04-13 Special Membership Meeting ‘Range Options Presentation’ at www.wfn.ca/your-government/meetings.htm