May 11, 2021 - On May 17, 2021, intersection safety improvements for Louie Drive and Old Okanagan Highway will begin. This will include 730 metres of works on Old Okanagan Highway, and 620 metres of works on Louie Drive.
Identified works will include:
- Installation of a new 4-way stop at Old Okanagan/Louie Intersection,
- Roadway repairs,
- Installation of bike lanes, sidewalk, lighting, fencing, and retaining walls; and
- Underground utility work.
Works are anticipated to be completed by September 17, 2021.
During this time, Old Okanagan Highway will be closed for approximately 8 weeks to minimize the length of construction time. (May 18 - July 13, 2021). Closure of the roadway will occur between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday to Friday, however access will be permitted evenings and weekends, as well as emergency access maintained.
Detour Information