Posted on: January 29, 2016
Special Membership Meeting Agenda
When: Thursday, February 25, 2016 | 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.
Where: Multipurpose Room, 1920 Quail Lane (Babysitting Available)
All Membership meetings will be conducted in a manner that aligns with Enowkinwixw principles and key values identified in our Community and Strategic Planning documents. These include: Equality, Honesty and Fairness, Respectful, Understanding, Peaceful Resolution, Listening, Acknowledgement, Inclusivity, Harmony and a high value placed on Community.
In accordance with section 54.7 of the Westbank First Nation Constitution, this meeting is open to Members and invited employees of WFN only. In this regard, all discussions and any transcription of this meeting are for the benefit of Members only, and must not be disclosed to non-member 3rd parties.
1.OPENING PRAYER: 5:30 p.m.
2.COMMUNITY SUPPER: 5:30 – 6:30 p.m.
3.OPENING REMARKS by the WFN Director of Operations, Pat Fosbery
On August 13, 2015, a referendum took place at which WFN Members gave approval to accept eleven Constitutional amendment proposals. The questions on the ballot at the August referendum referenced a document titled “Proposed Amendments to the Westbank First Nation Constitution” dated April 13, 2015. On this document, in the section “Persons Entitled to Membership” the word “or” should have read “and” at the end of paragraph 8.1(a). This was clearly an administrative error as all other communication materials for this section correctly used the word “and”. It was not until the final draft of the amended Constitution was being prepared that this error was noted.
Out of an abundance of caution, Council has set a referendum to occur on March 31, 2016, for the purpose of an amendment to the Constitution. In accordance with section 134.3 of the WFN Constitution, which deals with amendments to the Constitution, a Special Membership Meeting will take place to discuss correcting the error in the wording of paragraph 8.1(a). An amendment to the Constitution, however small, requires that constitutional processes be followed.
Correcting this administrative error will avoid any possible discrepancies or challenges in interpreting WFN’s Membership Rules. It is extremely important to Chief and Council that the integrity of the Constitution be maintained and that the text of the document clearly reflect the intent of the community.
5.MEMBERSHIP DISCUSSION – 7:30p.m – 8:00 p.m.
6.ADJOURNMENT – 8:00 p.m.
More Information:
Information Regarding March 31, 2016 Referendum
Conditions for Voting by Mail-in Ballot
Westbank First Nation Constitution (Amended August 2015)