Posted on: June 22, 2016
Notice of Nomination Meeting and Conditions for Voting by mail-in ballot for the September 15, 2016 Election
Dear Westbank First Nation Electors:
In accordance with the Westbank First Nation Constitution, notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Westbank Electors will be held in the Siya Room, 1900 Quail Lane, Westbank BC on Thursday, July 21st beginning at 6:00 PM and lasting for two hours. The purpose of the meeting is to nominate candidates for the positions of Westbank Council consisting of one (1) Chief and four (4) Councillors for a three-year term of office. All qualified Electors whose names are listed on the Electors List may attend and nominate candidates of their choice for Chief and Councillor. Please note that no Elector may nominate more than two (2) persons to serve as Chief or more than eight (8) persons to serve as Councillors.
Electors who are not Ordinarily Resident on Westbank Lands are entitled to vote by mail-in ballot and a mail-in ballot will be sent to them unless they advise the Electoral Officer in writing that they do not want to receive a mail-in ballot. They must advise the Electoral Officer that they do not want to receive a mail-in ballot by August 5, 2016.
Electors Ordinarily Resident on Westbank Lands who are unable to vote in person on September 15, 2016 may apply to the Electoral Officer to vote by mail-in ballot.· An application to vote by mail-in ballot must be received by the Electoral Officer by August 31, 2016.
A copy of the Westbank First Nation Constitution can be obtained at the Westbank Administration Building.
Copies of the Electors List shall be posted on the 2nd floor of the Westbank Administration Building and at the Community Services Building.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Electoral Officer or any of the Deputy Officers.
Electoral Officer
Karley Scott
1907 Cornerstone Drive, West Kelowna BC V4T 2Y3
Phone: 250 300 8816
Fax: 778 653 0559
Deputy Officers
Della Elliott:
Ashley Mazur:
Audrey Wlison:
201-515 Highway 97 South
Kelowna, BC Vl Z 3J2
Phone: 250 769 4999
Fax: 250 769 4377
View original notice