TAKE NOTICE that Westbank First Nation (“WFN”) is considering amendments to the WFN Community Plan Law 2010-04 (the “Community Plan Law”).
The Community Plan Law was enacted in 2010 and adopts the Community Plan, the plan to guide growth, development, resource management and community planning within WFN Lands and governance area.
The Community Plan Law currently imposes a deadline to complete a review of the Community Plan every five (5) years from the date of enactment of the Community Plan Law. The proposed amendment would continue to require the Community Plan review be initiated every five (5) years from the date of enactment, but would extend the deadline for completion of the review by twelve (12) months or eighteen (18) months.
Request for Feedback From WFN Members
WFN is requesting that Members provide their written comments, concerns or suggestions about this proposed law amendment. Comments must be received by 4:30pm, Monday, October 19th, 2020.
Please direct all comments to:
Julia Buck
WFN Legal Counsel
301-515 Highway 97 South
Kelowna, BC, V1Z 3J2
Process for Amending the Law under Part VIII of the WFN Constitution
Once all comments from Members are received and reviewed, a draft law will be prepared. The draft law will then be presented to Council for First Reading (acceptance in principle). If Council accepts the draft law in principle, a Special Membership meeting will be scheduled. At the Special Membership meeting, Council will explain the purposes and provisions of the draft law, and Members will be provided with an opportunity to ask questions and make comments. The law will then return to a Council meeting for Second Reading. Where Council has accepted the Second Reading draft law Council shall within 30 days of Second Reading hold a Council Meeting for the Third Reading where they will either enact the law, reject the law, refer the law to a Special Membership Meeting for enactment by Electors, or require a referendum to enact the law. For further information on this process please see Sections 60 to 64 of the WFN Constitution or contact the office of the WFN Council Secretariat/Legal Services (see contact information above).