Posted on: May 1, 2016

Parks & Trails Plan Consultation


Thank you to those who completed the Parks & Trails Plan online survey, which closed May 31, 2015.

WFN's Development Services Department is in the process of developing a 2015 Parks & Trails Master Plan that will provide short- and long-term direction for the development and maintenance of parks, open spaces, and recreational trails on WFN IR #9 and IR #10.The plan will provide an inventory, current and forecasted needs, recommendations, action items, and an implementation strategy for a 20-year period.


Parks & Trails Plan 2015.png

Download WFN Parks & Trails Plan 

Download Parks & Trails Plan Appendix A - Community Consultation Summary Report


Introduction to the Plan

As a growing and developing community within the Okanagan Valley, Westbank First Nation is proactively planning for the recreation needs of the current and future populations. In the past, parks and trails planning has occurred without an overall strategy guiding their development. A new Parks & Trails Master Plan will provide strategic guidance as IR #9 and IR #10 continue to develop.

Recognizing that parks and open spaces play a crucial role in improving livability and desirability of WFN lands, a key action item of the 2010 WFN Community plan was to create a parks plan to guide the development and maintenance of parks and open spaces.


What's in the Plan?

  1. Introduction
  2. Westbank First Nation Today
  3. Parks & Trails Vision
  4. Parks Classification, Analysis, and Recommendation
  5. Trails Classification, Analysis, and Recommendation
  6. Management
  7. Implementation Plan
  8. Appendix
    • Community Consultation Summary
    • Demographic Analysis
    • Trail Design Standards
    • Proposed Park Zone


Please direct your questions about the Parks & Trails plan to:

Graeme Dimmick
Senior Planner
T 250 769 4999