Posted on: April 15, 2016
Request for Letters of Interest for School Board Elder Seat
Application deadline: July 15, 2016
Westbank First Nation yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm (Council) is requesting letters of interest for the sənsisyustən School Board in order to fill the Elder seat which will become vacant on ɬx̌ʷɬx̌ʷtán (July) 28, 2016. Applicants must be WFN Members over the age of 55 and possess good character, credibility and reputation and be subject to a criminal record check. Applicants must not be employed by sənsisyustən School (“the School”), and must disclose in their letter of interest any contracts or other arrangements under which they currently receive, or may receive, payment or another benefit from the School.
The purpose of the School Board is to assist in facilitating a rich learning environment at the School where students may grow academically, personally, socially and culturally and with a strong identity, pride in their heritage and feeling of self-worth. As such, the duties and responsibilities of the School Board include:
- Developing and implementing a strategic plan for programs and operations at the School;
- Working in accordance with the WFN budgeting framework to develop an annual budget and five year financial plan for the School; and
- Providing advice on matters relating to the School as requested by yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm.
The successful candidate will be appointed by yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm for a 3-year term. School Board Members are paid an honorarium for duly convened meetings attended, which typically take place once per month during the school year. School Board Members are also encouraged toattend semi-annual meetings with yi səxʷḱʷinaʔməm, as well as various other events that may happen throughout the year so as to carry out School Board responsibilities.
If interested in being considered for this appointment, please forward your letter of interest by ɬx̌ʷɬx̌ʷtán (July) 15, 2016 to Pat Fosbery, səxʷk’ʷuləm k’el yʕayʕat (Director of Operations) by hand-delivery or mail to 301-515 Highway 97 South, Kelowna, B.C. V1Z 3J2 or by email to
For a copy of the sənsisyustən School Board Terms of Reference or other information, please contact Laurie Bowen, səxʷk’əɬq’əq’aym (Recording Secretary) for the sənsisyustən School Board at 250-769-4999 or