June 2, 2021 - As the warm, dry weather continues, the fire danger rating will increase over the next several days, and West Kelowna Fire Rescue asks Westside residents to be FireSmart.

Residents are reminded to dispose of cigarettes in ashtrays and never toss from windows. Use extreme caution with backyard campfires; keep them small to less than a half-metre in diameter and extinguish completely when done. Find and follow rules on our website at Use spark arresters on tools, machinery and motorized recreational vehicles. Fireworks are not permitted.

If you see smoke call 9-1-1.

Residents are also encouraged to conduct wildfire mitigation on their properties. Homes that are clean and well maintained are often the ones left standing in a wildfire. Residents who take FireSmart actions now to protect their properties will reduce their risks and ensure that firefighters can better defend neighbourhoods in the event of a wildfire.

Homeowners who conduct FireSmart practices to reduce the impact of wildfire can receive a grant of up to $500 per property. To qualify they must:

  1. Download, print and complete a free, self-directed assessment, found at
  2. Take photos before, conduct the eligible FireSmart work and take photos after.
  3. Complete the grant application, including photos and receipts and submit to West Kelowna Fire Rescue at


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