April 7, 2021 - Enter this contest by submitting a poem so you can win a prize and have it presented at a concert where your poem will be set to music by an accomplished composer and sung by RESOUND Choir. The winning poem, with “joy” as its theme, will be set to music by Andrew Balfour and premiered by RESOUND Choir at their March 2022 concert. Andrew Balfour, born in Winnipeg, is of Cree descent and currently living in Toronto. Read more about Andrew here.

1st place - $500
2nd place - $300
3rd place - $200

Deadline: Friday, May 28, 2021

Criteria for Participants:

  • Must be a Canadian Indigenous or Inuit person;
  • Can be amateur or published; and
  • No age requirement

Email the following components to

  1. A brief biography of yourself and your heritage;
  2. The poem;
  3. The inspiration for the poem;
  4. Include this statement: “If my poem wins 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize, I agree to allow RESOUND Choir to use my poem, or excerpts of my poem, in a choral composition of their choice and the right to perform the composition at will.”; and
  5. Your phone number

Poem Requirements:
The poem topic is “JOY”. It should not be less than 16 lines and not more than 48.

The winning poem will be set to a 4-part choral arrangement by Andrew Balfour for RESOUND Choir and premiered at the choir’s March 2022 concert. The choir has the right to perform the music at will. The poet will be credited on the score. In the event the piece is published, the publisher will arrange copyright directly with the poet and composer. RESOUND Choir reserves the right to set the 2nd and 3rd prize winning poems to music at some point in the future. In this event, the poet will be credited on the score.

All other entries/submissions will not be used or shared without the express consent of the author.

Announcement of Prize Winners:
Public announcement will be posted Friday, June 25, 2021 on RESOUND Choir’s website and Facebook Page.

Only contest winners will be contacted by phone and/or email to accept their prizes.