Posted on: July 8, 2016

Special Membership Meeting Agenda - August 11, 2016

A Special Membership Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 11, 2016 for the purpose of presenting, to the Membership, the Audited Financial Statements of 2015/16. The official agenda is outlined below.

Time: 5:30 to 7:30pm

Location: Multipurpose Room, 1920 Quail Lane (Babysitting available)


1. Opening Prayer - 5:30pm

2. Community Supper - 5:30 to 6:30pm

3. Presentation to the Membership of the Audited Financial Statements of the Preceding Year Pursuant to Section 88 of the Westbank First Nation Constitution - 6:30 to 7:00pm

  • Pursuant to Section 88 of the WFN Constitution, the audited consolidated financial statements will be presented to the Membership at this meeting.
  • Please note that these audited financial statements and reports are available for viewing by the Membership in the WFN Administration building in the Finance Department, 515 Highway 97 South, Kelowna, BC, during its regular business hours. The Audited Financial statements will also be posted to the WFN Member page on the WFN website ( by July 15th.
  • Presentation by a representative of BDO.

4. Membership Discussion – 7:00pm

5. Adjourn – 7:30pm

All Membership meetings will be conducted in a manner that aligns with Enowkinwixw principles and key values identified in our Community and Strategic Planning documents. These include: Equality, Honesty and Fairness, Respectful, Understanding, Peaceful Resolution, Listening, Acknowledgement, Inclusivity, Harmony and a high value placed on Community.

In accordance with section 54.7 of the Westbank First Nation Constitution, this meeting is open to Members and invited employees of WFN only. In this regard, all discussions and any transcription of this meeting are for the benefit of Members only, and must not be disclosed to non-member 3rd parties.

Download PDF copy of agenda >