Posted on: August 25, 2016
WFN Housing Strategy under revision
Development Services has begun revising the WFN Housing Strategy. The Strategy aims to provide every WFNMember with the opportunity to access safe, affordable housing on reserve. The revised strategy will include anupdate to the 2011 Housing Strategy, as well as new information regarding Member demographics, Memberattitudes, housing supply and demand, developable land, the allotment process, and homelessness.
To help guide the revision process, a Housing Strategy Working Group has been formed. It is comprised of stafffrom Development Services and Community Services. The Working Group has recently developed anddistributed a questionnaire to assess Member housing needs and attitudes. The questionnaire distributioninvolved an off-reserve mail-out, an on-reserve door-to-door distribution, promotion through social media, anddirect engagement with Membership at community and staff events. We are very thankful to the 100+ Memberswho provided their input!
Some of the questionnaire results:
- 65% of respondents have at least one person living in their home on a temporary basis
- 23% indicated that their home does not adequately provide for their needs
- 23% of respondents would consider downsizing once their needs change
- 19% of respondents are currently supporting someone who is homeless or at risk of homelessness
- 93% would support WFN investing in services for Members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness
- 80% believe that WFN should approach Member housing development by assessing needs first
As we move forward, we will be hosting community consultation and information sessions, so please look fornotices in the newsletter, social media and the website in order to get involved and share your ideas on Memberhousing.