The above map indicates the ownership of the various roads on WFN Lands. Report a pothole by contacting the appropriate organization as listed below.
Red roads (MOTI):
- Contact Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure (MOTI) at (250) 387-3198 who will have it repaired by AIM Roads.
- Or contact AIM Roads at 1-866-222-4204 or submit detailed information here. It will serve as a report record in the event the road repair is not made in a timely manner.
- For William R. Bennett Bridge, call Protrans at 1-888-769-2925.
Green roads (WFN):
- Contact WFN Public Works at (250) 707-0493 and they manage it directly.
- Or report an issue online here.
Blue roads (City of West Kelowna):
- Contact City of West Kelowna Roads Department. Report a maintenance issue to the Roads Department by submitting a service request here
- Office hours are 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday to Friday, excluding holidays. After hours, call AEL Road Maintenance at 1-866-353-3136
- AEL has a 5-year fixed rate contract with West Kelowna, so any budget overrun is absorbed by AEL, not the City.
Yellow roads (WFN):
- Developers for these private strata-like communities on WFN lands manage it directly with maintenance agreements with contracted assistance.
Vehicle Damages:
- If you sustain vehicle damage from an unrepaired pothole, click here to gather required information to make a claim for your damages.