BC Conservation reminds hunters out of traditional territory to abide by the Wildlife Act
On December 3, 2019 a status first nation’s individual was convicted in Kelowna provincial court for killing a cow moose out of season near Jackpine Lake in Management Unit 8-11. This individual was fined $1,500 payable to the Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation. This hunt occurred outside of their traditional territory not following the open seasons in accordance with the Wildlife Act and Hunting Regulations.
The Conservation Officer Service is reminding the public that Status Indians as defined under the Indian Act who are residents of BC and wish to hunt outside their traditionally used areas must do so in accordance with the Wildlife Act and Hunting Regulations. This includes obtaining a Limited Entry Hunting Authorization when required to hunt species where harvest rates must be closely managed.
Westbank First Nation requires that any person who is hunting in Westbank First Nation traditional territory, other than a Member of the Okanagan Nation Alliance must follow the current hunting regulations in force as established by the Province of British Columbia.
If you are witnessing what you suspect is an active or in progress wildlife violation please call 1-877-952-7277 (RAPP) or #7277 on the TELUS Mobility Network. If the situation is not an emergency, report the incident online.
BC Wildlife Federation pays rewards up to $2000 for information leading to the conviction of persons who have violated laws related to the protection of fish, wildlife, or the environment.