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October 25, 2021
Dear Membership,
Re: Membership Petition for a Formal Investigation into the Director of Community Services
Westbank First Nation ("WFN") Council received a petition signed by a number of Members, requesting removal of a senior member of staff (the "Petition"). The Petition alleges human rights abuses and harassment in the office, but does not provide any specific facts or instances in support of the claims. It is a serious matter for the Membership to allege such conduct and in such a public manner. However, the Petition is not the appropriate process for addressing complaints of a senior member of staff's or any WFN employee's conduct. Last week, Council discussed this matter after obtaining legal counsel to advise on the requirements of the WFN Constitution (the "Constitution") and the WFN Personnel Policy (the "Personnel Policy"). In brief, Chief and Council would like to communicate to Membership the following in relation to the Constitution, the Personnel Policy, and the legal risks and liability associated with Council engaging with the Petition:
This is far too serious of a matter, and one which bears such significant risk to WFN, individual members of Council, as well as to the participant Membership, to not to be in strict compliance with the Constitution and the Personnel Policy. Council acknowledges the initiative of some Members seeking to have their voices heard, but recognizes the use of the Constitution in this fashion is not how it is meant to operate. In particular, the Constitution is not intended to further political agendas. As a result of this misunderstanding of the Constitution, Council is considering conducting Member Information Sessions about the Constitution and how Member engagement in the governance process can occur.