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Please ensure the questionnaire is filled out completely and accurately as any omissions may result in the denial of the homeowner grant.
If in the opinion of the Surveyor of Taxes, the information or documentation submitted is incomplete or insufficient to establish your eligibility, you will be notified of the amount owed. The legislation places the onus on the claimant to prove eligibility for the grant.
The information provided on this form may be shared for the purposes of administering the First Nation property tax.
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIPPA) The personal information on this form is collected for the purpose of administering the Home Owner Grant Act under the authority of section 26(a) of the FOIPPA.
Administration requires specific information and documentary evidence to evaluate your eligibility for the grant for the year(s) under review for the 2024 HOG.
Please attach one of the following:
CERTIFICATION*I certify that the information above is correct to the best of my knowledge.*I understand that it is an offence to make a false application for the grant, subject to a penalty of up to $10,000.