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Intergovernmental Affairs (IGA) is responsible for relations with other governments (Indigenous and non-Indigenous), including treaty negotiations and self-government implementation. IGA maintains contacts with other First Nations across Canada and is involved with First Nation political organizations both regionally and nationally.
The IGA department controls Title and Rights processes, Archaeology requirements and Referral Application Process.
Affirmed Right to our Territory
The syilx (Okanagan) People hold Title and Rights throughout syilx Territory. Lands that are recognized and affirmed by section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982, and have never been ceded, surrendered or relinquished by the syilx People.
The syilx People exercise rights recognized by Bill 41 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (“UNDRIP”) passed by the Province of British Columbia. Article 32.2 of UNDRIP, “the States shall consult and cooperate in good faith with the indigenous peoples concerned through their own representation institutions in order to obtain their free and informed consent prior to the approval of any project affecting their lands and territories and other resources, particularly in connection with the development, utilization or exploitation of mineral, water or other resources.”
The WFN Archaeology Office combines the study of the past with current syilx society to help build syilx Title and Rights across the WFN Area of Responsibility. WFN conducts archaeological research through the syilx perspective; in consideration of syilx language, creation stories and beliefs. The main goals of archaeology include reconstruction of the long sequences of human culture, reconstruction of past life ways, studying cultural process and understanding how the archaeological record is formed.
Archaeology Terminology:
WFN has always maintained and clearly stated to the Crown and third parties that it has, as part of the Okanagan Nation, Aboriginal Title in the syilx Territory and has identified a WFN Area of Responsibility for activities carried on therein. It is not acceptable, either morally or legally, to ignore the rights of Indigenous people, including Aboriginal Title. There must be meaningful consultation and accommodation of WFN’s interests, and honourable and good faith efforts by the Crown to obtain WFN’s consent. These efforts should be consistent with the Court’s principles in the Tsilhqot’in decision before the Crown reviews any application regarding use of the subject lands. Where Aboriginal Title has been established, governments must obtain the consent of the title-holder before using or granting interests in the lands.
Tsilhqot'in Nation v. British Columbia
Westbank has established a Referral Application process when dealing with proposed Crown grants of interests within the Area of Responsibility. Until WFN’s Aboriginal rights including Aboriginal title can be accommodated, any interest or rights granted in relation to this referral represent an infringement of Aboriginal title by the Crown or third parties.
What is a Referral Application?
Why do Referral Applications need to be submitted?
How to submit a Referral Applications:
Provincial Requirements when submitting a Foreshore Developments Referral Package include:
a. Approval is only valid for 2 years; b. Application approval could take 6-12 months. 3. Wind Wave Sedimentation Study
Additionally, WFN requires the following studies with respect to Foreshore Developments: 1. Water Impact Study (no more than 6 months old). 2. Construction Environmental Management Plan: Plan must include the final and full document, inclusive of address location, project descriptions, legislations, etc. 3. Water Sustainability Act: section 11 Report. 4. Environmental Management Plan: developed in support of a Water Sustainability Act (section 11 approval – noted above). 5. Moorage Operating Plan: Identifying who is responsible for writing, updating, monitoring and enforcing compliance. 6. Best Management Practices for Foreshore Development. 7. Environmental Protection and Sustainability Aquatic Invasive Species Study (zebra, quagga mussels, etc.).
Submit a Referral Application
Self-Government Agreement
Summary of Self-Government Agreement