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The Okanagan Song was created by Delphine Derickson (Westbank First Nation) and Herman Edward (Lower Similkameen Indian Band) while receiving input from other Okanagan Nation members and is treated as our National Anthem.
The song was created as a way to provide a healthy sense of unity for all eight bands and nations that make up the Okanagan Nation. The song itself belongs to the People. It essentially serves as the anthem for the Okanagan/syilx Nation, but is also sung in times of great happiness or trouble; as an honor. We must be mindful with how we use this song, as our songs are prayers, and this song in particular acknowledges our responsibility to be the stewards of these lands.
Prior to contact, we as a people had many songs that were sung for a variety of reasons, most of them shared during specific times of the year or for specific occurrences or practices. With colonization and assimilation, many of our songs were outlawed, stolen, misplaced and misused. Singing the Okanagan Song reminds us of our resiliency.
The song is always sung in four verses and is not to be changed from its original intent without the permission and inclusion of the Okanagan people.
Okanagan Song Lyrics (with English translation):
ałi kwu swiwi-numtax| we are beautiful
ałi kwu suknaqinx | we are Okanagan
ałi axa/ L/tmxwula/xw | because our land is beautiful