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The Comprehensive Community Plan (CCP), last updated in 2022, is a community-led plan and is the main guiding document for Westbank First Nation. Our CCP guides WFN to sustainably manage our social, community, cultural, economic and land use interests over a long-term horizon within the Westbank First Nation Administrative Area and the traditional territory of the Okanagan Nation. Guided by WFN Membership, and with support from community members and residents, the CCP looks to utilize traditional knowledge, teachings, practices, and governance to develop and propose principles and actions to help achieve our vision for the future.
The CCP is a "living document," which means it can be updated to reflect our community's changing needs. It provides the strategic foundation for more detailed plans and policies as they relate to the various departments within the Westbank First Nation administration. WFN Administration is responsible to report annually on the progress of the CCP actions to Membership and Council. Internal strategic plans reflect and encompass the basic principles set in the Plan and are implemented in department policies, programs, and community development.
The CCP represents our community voice on a variety of topics based on our Four Food Chiefs:
WFN Member CCP Project Page - Member Login Required
2020 Update
The 2020 Community Plan update resulted from four rounds of engagement from September 2020 until May 2022. It was a Member-led process to identify the vision and goals for the future of Westbank First Nation, followed by action items to make it a reality. Round 1 of engagement (where are we now?) had 162 Members participate, Round 2 (where are we going?) had 77 Members with 872 unique comments, Round 3 (how will we get there?) had 82 Members with 970 unique comments, and Round 4 (presenting the CCP) had 45 Members participate. The consultation process included an initial online questionnaire and interactive website Social Pinpoint to map ideas, workshops with the museum, Elders Group, Youth Council, Chief, Council, and WFN Directors, drawings from Sensisyusten House of Learning students, a Let’s Talk Priorities workbook mailed to all households, and three open houses on July 16/21, October 21/21, and April 7/22. The CCP was unanimously approved by Membership on May 5, 2022.