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The Westbank First Nation Public Art Committee (PAC) established the WFN Public Art Program in September 2014. The Program is a collaborative, collective, creative process between WFN, practicing artists, and community members. Public art creatively addresses the needs and aspirations of the WFN community while also acknowledging WFN and syilx/Okanagan heritage.
The PAC promotes syilx culture through the arts; provides advice and supports activities that advance public art; and administers a selection process for commissioning and/or purchasing public art.
To apply for an opportunity on the PAC, please submit an application here
Vision: Promote syilx culture through the encouragement of local artists and the display of art throughout the community, both on and off reserve.
Utilize our public art guide to take a self guided art walk!
Project Details: FortisBC is building a 25,000 SF Support Services Hub across two floors at 760 Vaughan Street in Kelowna. The space will house the support service teams for both FortisBC Energy (Gas) and FortisBC Inc (Electric). The office will be open to the public and FortisBC would like to incorporate local First Nations art to reflect the unceded traditional territory of the Okanagan syilx people. Through this space and partnership we are providing a forum for the syilx Okanagan Nation to tell the story of the land and the people since time immemorial.
Application Form
Program Details
Since 2014, WFN and the Regional District of Central Okanagan (RDCO) have worked together to develop public awareness about syilx heritage. One initiative includes the installation of interpretive signs along park trails at Glen Canyon, Kalamoir, Rose Valley, and sntsk'il'ntən (Black Mountain). The new signs acknowledge the cultural significance of the lands and share the nsyilxcen translation of the trail names. The cost of this project was paid for by the RDCO.