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sənsisyustən delivers a superior, highly flexible, learner-centered education enriched by syilx teachings, language, and culture. We teach Kindergarten (full days) and Grades 1-6. Although sənsisyustən is a private school, it is open to all students whether they are indigenous or non-indigenous, living on or off reserve. To learn more, click on the tabs below.
Our Mission sənsisyustən delivers a superior, highly flexible, learner-centered education enriched by syilx teachings, language, and culture. Learning Everyone Welcome Although sənsisyustən is a private school, it is open to all students whether they are indigenous, or non-indigenous living on or off reserve. We collaborate with School District 23 and other First Nation schools, working toward offering all students opportunities to share and build capacity together. Small Class Sizes sənsisyustən offers small class sizes that offer students more one on one teacher time. Teacher student ratio is approximately 1:18. Outdoor Classrooms The newly renovated building offers outdoor classrooms and learning opportunities that provide students with unique ways to connect with education. Hands-On Learning Opportunities Students gain direct practical experience working with Elders and educators. Cultural Field Trips Field trips such as tea picking, gathering sage, and digging bitter root teach traditional syilx cultural beliefs and build understanding. Language & Culture Integrated syilx Language & Culture sənsisyustən offers a wonderful balance of current BC curriculum and Okanagan Language and culture is taught in every grade. Programming Hot Breakfast & Lunch Program Our hot breakfast and lunch program is offered to ensure students have nutritious food that provides energy and allows them to focus at school. ERASE Bullying Program sənsisyustən supports a bully-free environment. The ERASE Bullying program was developed to build a safe and caring school community. Promotional Video Promotional Video (Short Version) (Full Version) Sensisyusten newsletters and calendars Icon Resource Name Description Size 2024-25 School Calendar.pdf 78.02 Kb June 2023 beginning of month Sensisyusten School News -compressed (1).pdf 1.43 Mb May 2023 Sensisyusten School News (1)-compressed (1).pdf 1.29 Mb Sensisyusten School News Oct 2023.pdf 2.79 Mb pəckɬtán 2023 1.31 Mb sknír’mn 2023 1.15 Mb smík’ʷtən 2022 1.15 Mb kətc’ac’aɬtən 2022 1.11 Mb sk’aytan 2022 1.56 Mb siyaʔtən 2022 1.96 Mb pəckɬtán 2022 17 Mb sknírʼmn 2022 1.56 Mb smíkʼʷtən 2021 2.21 Mb kətcʼacʼaɬtən 2021 1.74 Mb skʼaytan 2021 1.97 Mb 2021/22 Parent handbook 787.46 Kb sensisyusten School News 283.49 Kb Related Links Parent Handbook Staff Contact List School Bus Schedule 2024-2025 School Calendar sensiyusten House of Learning Brochure Promotional Video (Short Version) (Full Version) Agreement 2016-04 sənsísyustən House of Learning Board Terms of Reference Contact Us Joanne De Guevara, Principal Sherry Hamilton, səxknɬtɬn kl yayát (Executive Assistant) to sənsisyustən sənsisyustən House of Learning 1920 Quail Lane Westbank, BC V4T 2H3 T 250 768 2802 | E-mail
Although sənsisyustən is a private school, it is open to all students whether they are indigenous, or non-indigenous living on or off reserve. We collaborate with School District 23 and other First Nation schools, working toward offering all students opportunities to share and build capacity together.
sənsisyustən offers small class sizes that offer students more one on one teacher time. Teacher student ratio is approximately 1:18.
The newly renovated building offers outdoor classrooms and learning opportunities that provide students with unique ways to connect with education.
Students gain direct practical experience working with Elders and educators.
Field trips such as tea picking, gathering sage, and digging bitter root teach traditional syilx cultural beliefs and build understanding.
sənsisyustən offers a wonderful balance of current BC curriculum and Okanagan Language and culture is taught in every grade.
Our hot breakfast and lunch program is offered to ensure students have nutritious food that provides energy and allows them to focus at school.
sənsisyustən supports a bully-free environment. The ERASE Bullying program was developed to build a safe and caring school community.
Promotional Video (Short Version) (Full Version)
Joanne De Guevara, Principal Sherry Hamilton, səxknɬtɬn kl yayát (Executive Assistant) to sənsisyustən
sənsisyustən House of Learning 1920 Quail Lane Westbank, BC V4T 2H3
T 250 768 2802 | E-mail
1920 Quail Lane Westbank, BC V4T 2H3 T 250 768 2802 | E-mail
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