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Contact: Community Services | T 250 768 0227 | E-mail
It is of fundamental importance that every Westbank First Nation Member achieve the best educational and employment opportunities and outcomes. We are committed to ensuring Members have access to a suite of services that support the achievement of those outcomes.
Education Programs and Services Brochure
Contact: Life Skills Coordinator | T 250 768 0227 | E-mail
The Active Measures program is a foundational 10-week program designed to develop, maintain, and sustain pre-employment skills towards the realization of being work ready and the transition from Income Assistance to employment. It builds on the cultural aspects of a canoe journey and provides participants with supports and learning tools for key transitional points related to personal and professional development. Participants will undertake a number of aptitude assessments which include but not limited to: Personality Dimension, Learning Style, Keirsey’s Temperament, Values Inventory. Participants will be provided with the opportunity of doing some career exploring through these various assessments.
Contact: Education Services | T 250 768 0227
This program assists WFN member students who are registered in public or private schools, within the boundary of School District No. 23, who are not eligible to ride on the SD#23 bus. This applies to students registered in a school that has specific programs that will enhance education goals, talents, or skills, (e.g. French, sports, art, trades, religion, alternate programs, etc.).
Contact: Education Services | T 250 768 0227 Email
Education Allowance is open to WFN Members and status aboriginals living on WFN Lands who are in grades K-12 and attending school full time from September to June. The allowance subsidizes the cost of school fees and school supplies. Applications are accepted annually from August 1 - September 30. Only complete applications will be accepted.
Pick up an application form at Community Services or download a copy below.
Consent to Release Form, SD#23 To ensure that WFN students are receiving the assistance and supports required from their respective school, a consent form is required to be signed by the parent or guardian of each child, and by each child over the age of 12 years.
This Consent Form is effective for the period the student is attending school within SD23 unless revoked in writing by the student’s parents, or by the student if she/he is 18 years or older.
Contact: Leah Whitehouse Employment & Training Facilitator (OTDC) Email| T 250 768 0227
The goal of this program is to help WFN Members gain employment. Priority is given to WFN Members who are on WFN Income Assistance and enrolled in the Active Measures Program.
Services include assistance with job searching, resume or cover letter development, employment applications, essential skills, life skills, connecting with prospective employers, mock interviews, and career compass testing.
The Okanagan Training and Development Council (OTDC) funds employment and training services at WFN, which are facilitated by an Employment and Training Facilitator.
Support services offered at WFN through the OTDC program include:
This program is funded by the Okanagan Training and Development Council through Aboriginal Human Resources Development Agreement
Memorandum of Understanding - Okanagan College - October 2023-2026
MOU -Okanagan College
Contact: Education Resource Coordinator | T 250 768 0227 | E-mail
Westbank First Nation and the Central Okanagan Board of Education believe that the negotiation and adoption of a Local Education Agreement provides a significant opportunity to come together to focus on ways to improve educational outcomes for WFN students, while fostering the relationship necessary to accomplish mutual goals. This Local Education Agreement is the eighth signed Agreement, reflecting equitable opportunities to respond to the unique needs of WFN students and families.
Westbank First Nation Education has purchased Chromebooks to support WFN Nominal Roll (Status FN) students attending School District 23 schools. The program was funded through First Nation Education Steering Committee to support WFN Nominal Roll students and online learning. The loan program is on a first come first serve basis, and students must complete an equipment loan program. The loan program is for each academic semester and a new form must be completed after each semester.
The equipment is intended to support the student’s success in school, and is not intended for personal use. Parents are responsible for returning the equipment in the condition that it was lent. If the Chromebook is returned damaged, the price of repairing the damage will be charge to the parent.
For more information please contact WFN's Education Resource Coordinator Tel: 250-768-0227 | Email
Contact: Education Services | T 250 768 0227 | E-mail
The Tutoring Services Funding Policy was created to provide financial services to WFN Members enrolled in a public, private or independent elementary school, middle or secondary school for tutoring services.
Members can source their own tutoring services.
WFN will pay a maximum of $50 per hour for tutoring, for a maximum of 2 hours per week, in Canadian funds.
Application | Tutoring Services Funding Policy
Post-Secondary Support