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To be completed by Members applying for post-secondary education sponsorship in accordance with Policy 2015-17 Post-Secondary Education Sponsorship.
Application for post-secondary education funding
Acceptance of funding and promissory note
Student information release form
Bursaries & Scholarships and Post-Secondary programs & services Brochure
FortisBC Energy Inc. has formed strong a connection with Westbank First Nation and continues to build a mutually beneficial relationship of trust and learning through the establishment of a long-term agreement. In addition, FortisBC Energy Inc. (“FortisBC”) has established a Community Education Awards Program for Westbank First Nation members who are committed to building a better future for themselves through post-secondary educational studies in disciplines relevant to the academic, trades, technology, and/or the energy sector in occupations pertinent to FortisBC operations.
To recognize this, WFN is pleased to establish:
Preference will be given to students entering and/or planning for post-secondary studies in disciplines related to academic, trades, technology, or energy sector occupations pertinent to FortisBC Operations.
Deadline for applications: September 30
ntityix Resources LP (Ntityix) was the recipient of the FPAC-CCAB 2022 Indigenous Business Leadership Award and received a donation of $5,000.00. ntityix Resources LP wishes this donation to become part of an annual award for a post-secondary student interested in pursuing post-secondary education that would provide them with the skills to work for ntityix Resources LP once they graduate.
The ntityix Resources Seven Generation plan is posted on our website Forest Management — Ntityix Resources LP and provides guidance on the variety of skills needed to carry out the plan.
Amount: $1,500.00
Westbank First Nation recognizes the importance of education in the pursuit of career goals, and to help acknowledge this, WFN will be honoring students through four bursaries in different programs. All WFN member students currently enrolled in post-secondary are eligible to apply. Four bursaries will be distributed under one of the four food chiefs. The Legend of “How Food Was Given” contains many principles to building healthy communities. Each one of the Chief’s represents a specific sector in society.
Please have a look choose which Chief your program falls under and indicate on your letter and application.
skəmxist (Chief Black Bear) - Governance:
Governance, leadership and the selflessness that accompanies these positions within a community.
Programs may include: Leadership, Political Science, History, Law, Title and Rights, Information Technology, Communications, Journalism, and English, Public Administration. ntityix (Chief Spring Salmon) - Economy:
Economic issues in the life of a community. The modern economy mimics the cyclical nature of the salmon’s life.
Programs may include:
Economic Development, Management, Business & Office Administration, Economics, Entrepreneur Studies, Hospitality and Tourism, Taxation, Finance, Employment. siyaʔ (Chief Saskatoon Berry) - Community:
All of the different individual families of the community are represented in the individual shoots, leaves and berries of a Saskatoon bush
Programs may include: Education, Nursing, Language, Culture, Social Work, Health, Early Childhood Education, Indigenous Studies, Psychology, Social Sciences, Addictions. sp’iƛ̓əm (Chief Bitterroot) - Land:
Land, as that is where it grows, and it is from the land that it gathers its nutrients, and it is into the land that the bitterroot retreats to wait until the proper time to reappear.
Programs may include: Civil Engineering, Geographical Information Systems, Environmental and Urban Planning, Forestry, Horticulture, Land Management, Sustainability, Parks & Recreation.
Deadline for applications: August 10
Westbank First Nation recognizes that education plays an important role in the pursuit of career goals, personal development, and building capacity within our community. In recognition of this, WFN is pleased to honor a student through the St’k’ʷək’ʷip Scholarship. This scholarship is awarded to students who display exceptional academic achievement and community contribution.
Scholarship Amount: $1,500.00
Students must be currently enrolled in a post secondary program. This scholarship is awarded to a student who display exceptional academic achievement and dedication to community.
Application form and documents:
· Official College or University transcript including a current proof of enrollment.
· Student must also be in compliance with WFN Credit and Collections Policy
· Minimum 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) Grade Point Average in most recent semester.
· One Academic reference letter to comment on your capability and commitment to your studies and career goal (include names, telephone numbers & relationship/position)
· A PERSONAL LETTER detailing your goals for post-secondary studies, career plans, and summarizing your community involvement.
· A portfolio of additional achievements such as, awards, recognition, resume, internship, and committee/boards, etc.
The name “St’k’ʷək’ʷip” is a metaphor describing something physically falling on you as a responsibility to carry out or see through to its end, usually this responsibility is given to you by your community. Acknowledgement to Elder Delphine Derickson for her help with the naming of this scholarship.
In an effort to support students and transition to online learning, Westbank First Nation has purchased 4 laptops to support our Members attending post-secondary studies. The loan program is on a first come first serve basis and students must complete an equipment loan program. The loan program is for each academic semester and must complete a new form after each semester.
The equipment is intended to support the student’s success in their studies, and is not intended for personal use. Students are responsible for returning the laptop in the condition that it was lent. If the laptop is returned damaged, the price of repairing the damage will be charge to the student.
The laptops (ThinkPad E14) available for borrowing will contain basic software: Microsoft Home & Student 2019.
For more information please contact WFN's Education Resource Coordinator Tel: 250-768-0227 | Email
Contribute to the WFN Post-Secondary Support Program to provided financial support and guidance to Members who are pursuing education and career goals. This bursary will provide students with an extra incentive to continue and succeed in their education goals. We envision that yearly investments will continue to grow and our alumni bursary will be a sustainable award, founded by our people for our people.
The intent of this policy is to help increase access for Members to post-secondary education so they may acquire the qualifications and skills needed to pursue a career, become economically self-sufficient, and contribute to the success of WFN self-government. The nc̓x̌ʷiltən/education of Members is essential to the continued success of the stqáʔtkʷɬniw̓t sqilxʷ/Westbank First Nation (WFN) n̓cwixtn/community, because education plays a key role in raising up leaders within the community.