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Contact: Property Management | T 250 769 4999
Emergency After-hours Phone Number: 1-888-380-1458
Members are able to pay housing rent via e-transfer.
To pay rent by e-transfer:
Once we receive your e-transfer payment, you will automatically receive an email via your banking system that your payment has been accepted.
Application for Rental Housing
Currently Westbank First Nation maintains a stock of non-profit housing units consisting of rental and rent-to purchase homes. The rental units, mainly duplexes, a 4-plex and an 8-plex are located on Fox Road and Falcon Lane. The rent-to-purchase homes are single family units with the majority located on Tsinstikeptum IR#9.
Staff also provides assistance with the applications for various AANDC and CMHC programs including the Residential Rehabilitation Assistance Program, Home Adaptations for Seniors Independence, AANDC new housing construction subsidy and the Emergency Elders Housing Repair Grant.
To be considered as a tenant for rental housing, please contact Property Management.