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To speak directly with an employee, call the Early Years Centre at 250-768-4838 (8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday).
*The girls group is now full. We are still accepting registrations, but new registrations will be put on a wait list to join the September intake.
Note: Communication about group events will primarily be done by email. Please list emails that you check on a regular basis.
Parent or primary care-giver #1
Westbank First Nation has a website and social media accounts where photos and videos from xixuʔtem (Girls Group) are periodically published.
By checking the above box, I am indicating that my daughter, named within this form, has my permission to participate in Xixuʔtem (Girls Group) and to participate in activities arranged by the leaders in this regard.
Date and time of the group is: Fridays from 3:00 to 5:00pm.
I understand that Xixuʔtem discusses topics relevant to girls’ development such as body changes, body image, media and girls and introduces them to skills such as relaxation skills, communication skills, healthy anger, journal writing, and creative visualization. I understand that the girls are encouraged to share and express themselves regarding topics.
I understand that the following group guidelines are important:
I/We hereby release from any liability of Westbank First Nation and all of its personnel, employees, adult leaders and representatives from any claims for unintended or unexpected accidents which might occur during participation in Xixuʔtem (Girls Group) events or traveling to or from said events. In granting this permission and release, I/We specifically recognize that my child may from time to time participate in off-site and/or outdoor activities, walks, or be transported to events by private vehicles operated by advisors or volunteers not as agents, employees or representatives. In such regard, I/We specifically release and will hold harmless Westbank First Nation, their employees, agents and representatives from any and all liability which may arise as a result of such transportation.
I understand that I may contact the facilitator with questions or comments about the group.